Wednesday, April 28, 2010

London...all sorts of goodness...

So Spain, is beautiful! Today I was listening to a sermon that Aaron Stern gave at theMill this last Friday and He talked about God being "I AM" and all that He has created. If you have an hour or so, I'd definitely recommend going to New Life Church's website, under theMill, and listening to this sermon! As I was listening to it, I was running on the treadmill, facing the Mediterranean Sea...and was just reminded once again of how big God is and how at times, I lack the fear of the Lord that I should have.

This last weekend I got to go to London! It was beautiful and didn't rain-yay...and it was amazing getting to explore the city. I must brag a bit, and say that I did NOT, in fact, get lost at all. Yay for maps and people that speak English. I have a YWAM friend who has been living there the last few years and I got to spend some time with her, which was wonderful as well. YWAM forever amazes me in the continued connection people seem to have. They're such a big part of who I call family.

This Sunday I also managed to make it to Barcelona and go to an international church there. It felt like it had been so long since I had been around others, worshiping in my own language. The service was beautiful and I spent the day up there hanging out with new friends from all over the world. God is faithful and so good, all of the time!

Homework seems to be sucking more time than I thought possible...I feel like I should have much more time to blog and relax, but between Spanish classes, and the other 18 credits this semester...I feel like my computer is with me most of the time. I feel like I'm finally retaining a bit of what I'm learning though, and that is a blessing in and of itself.

So much to say; I have too many thoughts. That's what I'll leave it at for now! :)

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