Monday, May 3, 2010

Let me count the ways..

Let me count the ways that God is good and faithful...

This week has been one of the more difficult weeks I have had in awhile. Emotionally, I feel like the Lord has been downloading more into my heart and mind than I thought possible to receive. I listened to a sermon midweek about God being "Yahweh" and "I AM" (can be found at under podcasts from April 24th) and was brought to tears, reminded of God's majesty. To be a part of God's creation and to be honored with the privilege of being able to experience relationship with Him is far beyond anything we could ever hope to deserve.

This week, once again, was a good week for being reminded where my focus is and what the center of my life really should be (cue cheesy, but oh so true song: 'Jesus, be the center, be my source, be my light, Jesus'). All week long I felt that God was reminding me who I was. For the last few years, and especially this last year, I feel like God has been constant in pursuing me with His love, and every day has been a reminder of the abundance of love that He has for me. Lately, I feel like it's been shifting, to who I am. I am a daughter of the most Holy King, I am precious, dearly loved, a warrior, a princess, irreplaceable and unique in the heart of God and my value is found in Him. I am a world changer and have dreams and visions that will come true in His timing and ways. Isn't it crazy how God sees us?

With all of that being said: this week has still been rough. I have been challenged with some of the deepest levels of forgiveness and have been able to see the way that God gives us strength and grace when we need it most. I have been challenged as to where my self worth lies, and for the first time, feel like it's in the right place. My ability to be myself and to not fall apart when people close to me disappoint me has surprised me these last few days, but is just more of a testimony to what the Lord has been walking me through. Yay God!

This weekend I got to go to the south of France and explore a bit of the history there, and loved it. The architecture is so beautiful and detailed and really, who doesn't like looking at castles? The weekend was topped off with a visit to the Barcelona Zoo to see my ever-favorite bears, penguins and giraffes. Perfect! All that I've seen so far has been truly beautiful and I'm looking forward to my trip to Italy next weekend. :)

I'll leave you with my favorite verse God's been speaking to me this week: Psalm 29:11 (the Message): God makes his people strong. God gives his people peace.