Sunday, March 28, 2010

A day away from the plane!

In my head, I think that I thought that being home in Iowa for a week would be filled with lovely relaxing days, sleeping in, catching up with old friends and a little bit of homework. Unfortenetly, this has yet to be the case. So far, I have spent days trying to pay bills, figure out insurance, time at the DMV and doing far more homework than I had realized I had. I still have much more to do and am leaving tomorrow! :) Some days humbly remind me that I cannot conquer the world in a day.

My personal life has felt like a whirlwind lately as well. I have been very emotional and moody as I am trying to get ready to completely change my life and what I'm doing. I have been continually reminded of all that God wants to do in my life and have been stretched in letting things go and releasing things back into HIS control and out of mine. I am done being scared and making excuses and am ready to kick into gear and accept the grace and forgiveness he gives. First steps began today and I've had lots of 'face' time crying out to the Lord for forgiveness, mercy and grace. How good is the God that we serve? I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to be loved by the one and only Yahweh!

Tomorrow my plane leaves mid-afternoon and after a lovely 11 hours in the air, I will be in Spain! I'm so excited to officially meet the family I will be staying with, get settled in, hopefully completely bypass jet lag, unpack, and go to the beach! I feel like the Lord has said that my time to rest is nearing and to continually rest in Him through my last day or two of chaos.

Pray for a safe flight, the ability to transition (countries and everything going on in my heart) and for the next day to be productive!

Love you all,

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The beginning...

I, Sarah Palmer, am now an official 'blogger'. The purpose of this blog is to be able to keep in touch and update my friends all over the world as I embark on a new journey to Spain, but really, I have wanted to do this for quite some time now.

Words have always been a favorite of mine. You cannot communicate everything that is inside of your heart but words allow you to begin to express the desires and passion that stirs inside of you. I often call this 'verbally throwing up'. For those of you who know me well, you know I do this quite often. I am quite the external processor. :)

Over the last few years I have spent in Colorado, I have learned more about myself than I had ever thought possible in such a short season of time. I have learned that I am wonderful at bottling things up, running away from problems and trying to make everyone else in the world happy but myself. I have learned that I barely know who I am because I've been too concerned about who everyone else thinks I should be. After a few years of continually coming to the same realization, I think I may have finally gotten it!

I am ready to be who God has made me to be and finally content with where I am at. Spain will be a time for finishing school, exploring new countries and most importantly, discovering who I am and becoming ok with having a little bit of rest in my life. I am ready to live life contently, with no expectations-to be ready for anything, remain positive more often than pesimistic and to take life as it comes. For all of you who will follow this and read what I have to say...I can't promise to be witty and a phenomenal writer...but I can promise you my everlasting sarcasm and inevitable ability to find myself in comical situations. Really....who needs more than that? ;)